Buy nier automata pc
Buy nier automata pc

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Gameplay: NieR gives you a lot of possibilities with the setup you want to use, you can use multiple weapons, combined with your pod, which gives you a lot of possibilities on how you want to approach the fight, and the game is actually challenging, being an alternate gameplay between 2D Platformers and actual combat, it never gets boring. Things that NieR does the best: Soundtrack: the soundtrack for NieR Automata is one of the best in the entire video game industry, the perfect combination of instruments and singing for every single moment of the game, it has somber songs, sad songs, happy songs, fighting songs, you got it all, if it wasnt for NieR's amazing soundtrack im 100% the game wouldnt be what it is. Story Repetition (routes): arguably while NieR has one of the best stories, it also suffers a lot from its repetition, when you are playing with 9S on route B, its the worst part of the game, you are playing something you already played, with a much worse gameplay and way more boring, overall Route B is where people seem to leave the game, i cant blame them, its not something perfect by any means, very much the opposite actually.

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Overall Settings and Perfomance: that is the worst possible thing to talk about when talking about NieR: Automata, not being able to pause and use the menu when you are doing any type of movement is ridiculous, not being able until 2021 to play the game in 16:9 is something baffling, an insult, the ammount of disregard for the PC port of this game is visible. Textures and minor details: While the overall game may look just fine, the game can range from incredible textures like 2B clothes to terrible cardboard paper textures like the rocks near the shopping district, this inconsistency summed with the bland washed out colour scheme create a very unamusing thing to look at. Colour Scheme and Scenery: While NieR: Automata has a beautiful landscape with tons of new concepts and ideas, like the Amusement Park and Pascal's Village, the game suffers from a great problem that touches its beautiful scenery, the colour scheme is horrendous, the game always has this gray tone in EVERYTHING that you look at, the colours (when they are present) look washed out and boring, some may argue that the colour scheme was thought to reflect the state of the world and the characters, however i do not buy this, i think it doesnt add anything and if anything it only takes the potential that the game had to look even better.

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Instead of foccusing on what NieR: Automata does right, which a lot, i think its best to understand what it doesnt do right. NieR: Automata is one of the most beautiful games to exist, its profound story and perfect combat combined with the perfect music really sends NieR: Automata is one of the most beautiful games to exist, its profound story and perfect combat combined with the perfect music really sends you to the game of this post apocaliptic world. Not technically (the PC version is buggy), but an unquestionable triumph of storytelling, game design and character development. That's not to say it doesn't have comedy, and it does, but the overall story is tragic and sad, and there will be parts that will break your heart, but persevere because the real ending is nothing short of magic, life affirming and thought provoking. Your second playthrough is not like your previous playthrough. You're not finished when you're finished. When people tell you that you need several playthroughs to get the entire story, it's not exactly correct. It's part RPG, part spectacle fighter and part bullet hell, but at the same time it's none of the above.

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No matter how much you read, watch or listening about this game, no matter how many spoilers you get, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, can prepare you for the rollercoaster ride that is Nier Automata.

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I purposely kept myself in the dark so as to not get spoilers. That was not I didn't know what to make of this game before I started playing. I didn't know what to make of this game before I started playing.

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